Mr. Pankaj Agarwal received Prestigious Award from Governor of Chhattisgarh -

Governor of Chhattisgarh – Mr. Pankaj Agarwal receives the prestigious Gaurav Samman Award.

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson


Every entrepreneur who is walking the path of enterprise building works hard to accomplish their dream & create a difference by their products, thereby creating a value addition to the society & the audience aspirations as a whole.

In the quest to success, there are a few leaders who achieve extraordinary milestones which then become footsteps for the upcoming generations, while the rest of the world stay amused & only stargaze such achievements & remain awestruck.

Success is the only thing that can be defined by thy perceptions and the parameters one set for thyself; for a few, winning the slice of bread twice a day is victory, while there are another few for whom providing the opportunity to the society to earn their livelihood with respect & recognizance is the only motive.

As quoted above, to achieve big, we need to give persistent efforts & practice patience with utmost enthusiasm towards our mission, with a clear & subjective vision to follow.

Showing such abilities, & following his passion towards delivering state of the art experiences to the citizens of India, PUNO CEO Mr. Pankaj Agarwal, receives the prestigious “Gaurav Samman Award” by the Honourable Governor of Chattisgarh, Smt. Anusuiya Uikey, in terms of his exceptional innovations in Amusement & Sports Industry.

This prestigious recognition from the Governor of Chattisgarh is an acknowledgement towards the tireless efforts of Mr. Pankaj Agarwal along with his team of professionals, who have left no stone unturned to accomplish the dream of every Indian citizen who wanted to experience the globally recognized indoor entertainment & amusement parks in the subcontinent region.

With this Prestigious recognition PUNO CEO Mr. Pankaj, adds yet another feather to his cap, of the long list of awards, recognitions & accolades he’s been receiving so far in his professional life including the most admired the one & only organization in the industry to be recognized as the Startup campaign in India from the Ministry of Trade & Commerce.

Along with all these awards & recognitions the most valuable reward of Mr. Pankaj, that he has received so far since the inception of PUNO, is the overwhelming response & acceptance of the Services from PUNO by the public as a whole, who have shown tremendous love, affection, faith & Trust towards the Brand.

On this delightful moment, Mr. Pankaj Agarwal along with his PUNO team, dedicates this award to the masses of the country & the guests of PUNO, thanks for being #PUNOFIED

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